Monday, September 26, 2011

House Plants Clean the Air

That pretty plant perched atop your windowsill may be doing more than just decorating your home. While they brighten up your living space, potted plants can also combat indoor pollution and boost your creativity. Read on to discover which plants will improve both your home and your well being!

To add some zing to your living room décor, consider hanging a potted plant instead of a Picasso! A two-year study conducted by NASA scientists and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) researched about a dozen plants for their added health benefits. The results demonstrated that certain leafy greens can absorb hazardous contaminants and produce clean air.

1. Cleanse with Chrysanthemums

Originally cultivated in China in fifteenth century BC, this plant boasts multiple medicinal and culinary uses. Its yellow and white flowers are enjoyed as a sweet drink in some parts of Asia, while the greens are boiled and served as a delicious meal in China. In addition to being a tasty treat, the NASA study found that chrysanthemums were effective at removing benzene from the air. Benzene is one of the most common odorless pollutants found in inks, paints, plastic, dyes, detergents, gasoline, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. The flowers last about six weeks and thrive in bright, indirect light.

2. Purify with Peace Lily

Native to tropical regions, this beautiful perennial plant contains large leaves that vacuum formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, and other hard-to-pronounce pollutants. Peace-lilies thrive in low and bright light with a slightly moist soil. The next time you need an air freshener don’t reach for the chemical spray, breath in the bloom and serenity of a peace—lily!

3. Dispel Dryness with Bamboo Palm

Growing between 3 to 6 feet tall, the long, elegant leaves of this sturdy palm sweep away toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, and chloroform. In addition to helping you breathe fresh air, it is an excellent spider mite repellant. During the cold winter months when air is very dry, the bamboo palm emits some much-needed moisture. It is best kept out of direct sunlight and feeds on all-purpose liquid fertilizer during the summer months.