Monday, May 31, 2010

Eating organic food, part of a healthy lifestyle

Organic food is; food grown and processed without the use of genetic engineering, any sort of synthetic or artificial fertilizer, in other words real fertilizer. It is grown without use of all of the 'cides, referring to pesticide, herbicide, and fungicide. It cannot be grown or processed with antibiotics, preservatives, chemicals or use of radiation. Actually it sounds pretty good, and its sort of scary thinking of food being irradiated and eaten!
Most of the food produced for consumers has been altered from a natural state through fertilization and genetics, in order to grow food faster and in larger amounts. These growing methods directly affect all of us as we consume these products. Organic products are becoming popular because as people educate themselves they realize the value of quality, naturally grown foods and products.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

unclog facial black heads

Unclog Pores

Many people are very particular in maintaining their complexion. However they face problem in doing so because of blocked pores.
Blocked pores can become a challenging problem to complexion. The clogged pores not only have a bad look but they are also known to cause various other skin problems.
To unclog the pores in a cheap and healthy way you must know the remedies that can be done from home itself. If the blocked core is due to the dust or makeup it can be removed without using chemicals. To unclog the pores the first thing that has to be done is to step into the shower or a place where there is enough of steam to unblock the pores.
Steam has the ability to remove the pores in a natural way. It is supposed to be the most natural remedy to unclog the pores as it opens the pores without the usage of any chemicals.

junk food avoid at all

Any food item which has little or no nutritional value or products which have nutritional value but have ingredients which are unhealthy when consumed on a regular basis or which are unfit to consume at all is called a junk food.
Generally junk foods are easy to buy and can be prepared with in a short time. Street foods and fast foods also come under the category of junk food. You might wonder how street foods can be classified as a junk food. It is mainly because street foods are normally cooked under unhealthy conditions. On the other hand fast foods are normally cooked and served with in a short time and such type of foods normally doesn’t have any nutritional value. Moreover junk foods simply build up empty calories in your body which can cause obesity and other health related problems to the eater.

The major conflict in junk foods is that they are mainly made out of healthy ingredients. It is their preparation method that makes the junk food unhealthy to eat. Take the case of pizza; it is stacked with vegetables on the top. So what goes wrong in a pizza? It is the cheese which is used to cook and decorate the pizza makes it unhealthy to eat. In fact pizza is good when consumed in smaller quantities. But here excess amount of cheese is used to prepare the pizza. The other major ingredient of pizza is refined flour which doesn’t have even a little bit of nutritional value.

Fast Food
Let us check out the case of burger, another popular fast food item which most of us like to have when gone for a restaurant. It contains a loaf of meat and vegetables like tomato, cabbage & lettuce packed in between two buns. Again the refined flour which is used to make the bun makes the problem. In addition, butter and mayonnaise which are used to create a three tier for the burger makes it unhealthy. In the case of street foods, the oil used for cooking and the flavor enhancers are the major risk factors besides refined flour.
Occasional eating of junk foods does not going to affect your health. After all no one cannot follow a perfect diet at all times. So it is you who is going to decide which is healthy for you. Over years doctors have been advising that excess sugar or fat may lead to obesity, increase in blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many cardiac related problems.

Friday, May 28, 2010

MANGOES east indian fruit king

Mangoes belong to the genus mangifera, consisting of numerous species of tropical fruiting trees in the flowering plants family anacardiaces, the common mango, is commonly cultivated and used for food. The mango is indigenous to the subcontinent. Cultivated in many tropical and subtropical and distributed widely in the world, mango is one of the most extensively exploited fruits for food, juice, flavour, fragrance and colour.

In several cultures, its fruit and leaves are ritually used as floral decorations at public celebrations and religious ceremonies.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Sulfation" in lead acid battery

sulfation is a term used for lead acid batteries having (pbso4)level 2 hard crystals on their lead plates,these crystals sticks at the lead acid battery plates like a layer and their non-conducting behaviour does not allow electrons free flow,this in turns totally disturbs batteries chemistry and the battery stops accepting charge,SULFATION can be avoided by using chemical additives,and by trickle-pulsars,yet if both are used is good.
UPS,inverters,and solar system batteries are more prone to SULFATION as the discharge ratio in these batteries is unspecified,although battery manufacturers produce special batteries for these storage devices,deep cycle batteries are claimed to perform better with UPS,inverters butt still to avoid sulfation these do need additives to keep them perform best and long.One good additive i tried you can get @

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Natures gift or curse "Atta Abad lake".

Hunza a beautiful valley in pakistan is in crises now a days the valley is in danger of flooding by an accidental lake formed by the collapse of a mountain in the free flow way of its water fall.Lake formed by stoppage of water flow is a sort of nature's created water reservoir which i think is a gift from god to this country as the higher up's and the government did nothing to improve water storage capacity in the country,Now there is a need to improve this reservoir and make it a solid dam to produce electricity and use its water as and when needed.